Xfire unable to comm. to server under proxy

By | 2014-05-19

Log shows

xfire.transport.http.HttpChannel Server returned error code = 417

It sounds like xfire added a “Expect 100 continue” in the header once an outgoing proxy is used.
(E.g. by java property, -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080)

If a reverse proxy server is used, the reverse proxy server may not response to Expect header.

Two solutions:
For apache as reverse proxy


Use mod_header to remove the Expect header from the requests:
1. Edit your Apache configuration file (usually the httpd.conf file) and add the following line:
LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
2. Add the following lines to the same configuration file:
RequestHeader unset Expect early

or edit xfire client side, add the parameter to disable EXPECT header

MSWService service =proxyFactory.create(serviceModel, serviceUrl);
Client client = Client.getInstance(service);

HttpClientParams params = ….



More ref.:



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